
Vinod Kurapalli, Hyderabd

Hi, I am vinod kurapalli from Hyderabad. From past four years I am suffering from psoriasis and tried homeopathy and various other treatments but results are not up to the mark. Through social media I came to know about ayurvedhamskinclinics and approached them through online. Doctor is very efficient and I am under their treatment from the past three months and I am feeling lot of relief and I can say 80 % of the problem is cleared and I can recommend them.

Prasad naidu, vijayanagaram, Andhra Pradesh

I am 64 years old retired from postal department and suffering from psoriasis from past 12 years and pain and itching became unbearable and as per suggestion of my son approached ayurvedam skin clinics and taken treatment for 4 months and all my itching stopped and skin became near normal

Aruna Devi, Bhopal

I am 48 years old female and working as school teacher and suffering from vitiligo. it started as a small patch on leg and within four years it spread across my body more prominently on neck and chin area. It made me depressed and even started taking anti depression medication. To get rid of vitiligo I had approached so many dermatologists taken steroids as well as UV treatment but of no use. By seeing ayurvedham skin clinics on online I approached them and taking medication from them from the past 5 months and I can see results and slowly skin turning to normalcy. They are saying in within next three months results will be more prominent and I can feel the same.

Supriya, Noida

I am software engineer working in a call center at Noida and due to shift timing and stress I got dandruff problem and after taking treatment from ayurvedham skin clinic I got relief in just one month, thanks

KrIshnakanth, Chennai

By profession I am a cab driver and due to suffocation and over sweat by Chennai climate I got ring worm problem. I visited regular doctors and taken medication but as long as I am taking medicine it is good once medicine stopped again problem is initiating. I approached ayurvedham skin clinic and taken online treatment and within two months skin became normal and good thing after stopping treatment alos skin is normal and healthy

Venkat prabhu, Mumbai

I suffered with eczema from four years and it made my life hell and after disappointing with various doctors and treatments and with very less hope I approached ayurvedham skin clinics and taken treatment as per their doctors advise and within two months I got maximum relief

Jyothi Sharma, Meerut, UP

Me 56 years old female suffered with plaque psoriasis got cured in 5 moths from ayurvedhamskinclinics and I recoomend them

Vashnavi, Jaipur

I am a house wife and suffering from dandruff and even dandruff extended to neck skin with severe itching and treatment with them is good and got good relief

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