What is Eczema?

To make things understand simple Eczema is a Typical- Non-infectious skin condition Typically characterized by inflamed patches of dry skin associated with itchiness Skin crack can be a prominent visible symptom Due to skin cracks as result of loss of epidermal layer skin will be prone to secondary infections by fungi or bacteria. In severe cases liquid oozing can be noticed on swollen skin patches


Who are more prone?

Eczema is more prone to children and adolescents.

How to identify Eczema

Eczema can be identified by noticing Cracked skin with reddish or dark brown patches Scaly and hardened skin Itchy plaques on skin Blisters filled with oozing fluid Symptoms can be noticed in various parts of the body

Reasons for Eczema

To be honest till now reasons or predisposing factors for Eczema are debatable and it involves both internal and external factors.

Internal factors for Eczema

Auto immune conditions Genetic factors mostly linked to lack of protein fillagrin, lack of fillagrin makes epidermal skin weak and tender Hormonal imbalances especially in female

External factors for Eczema

Bathing with hard water Non suitability of detergents, soaps and shampoos Chemical cosmetics and skin care products Medicine side effects or allergies Tobacco direct smoking or indirect exposure Dry and harsh weather

Different types of Eczema

Rainbow of Eczema

as rainbow is made with seven colours there are 7 types of Eczemas.

  1. Atopic Dermatitis

It is the most common kind of Eczema. It effects both children and adults Exposure to some external factors suddenly triggers this condition. Typically characterized by scaly, itchy skin with redness Extreme itchiness can be noticed In case of children can be noticed on face and in adults can be found folds of the arms, legs ,back and neck.

  1. Contact Dermatitis

As name suggests it is kind of Eczema appears due to contact or exposure to specific external factor like skin irritants (like formaldehyde in skin care products),paints, dust, artificial jewellery, some kind of metals etc. Dry, scaly reddish skin can be a noticeable symptom and skin will be susceptible to secondary infections. Mostly this condition can be seen on apart of the skin exposed to external stimulant.

  1. Seborrheic Dermatitis

As the name indicates it is kind of Eczema found in skin area that have more sebaceous glands. More commonly found on scalp and can be related to dandruff Dry and flaky skin is typical symptom Mostly associated with itchiness Some kind of yeast like Malassezia triggers immune system and makes immune system hyper active resulting dry and flaky skin conditions. Hormonal imbalances, certain chemicals in shampoos and other skin care products worsen the condition further. Mostly noticed on scalp, eye brows, eye lids, face and chest .

  1. Statis Dermatitis

This is the Eczema condition found in lower half of the legs. Venous insufficiency ids the main reason for statis dermatitis . Venous insufficiency is a condition where in deoxygenated blood form lower legs will not be able to heart properly due to insufficient function of valves in veins of lower legs. Medical conditions like hyper tension, kidney dysfunction are associate with this condition. Brown and spotted skin is early symptom further turns to swelling around the ankles then finally itchy, flaky and hardened skin. People above 50 years are more prone to Statis Dermatitis.

  1. Neuro Dermatitis

It is the most troublesome and itchy Eczema. Unable to control the itchiness patients scratch the skin consciously even subconsciously leading to further damage of skin and secondary infections. Visibly noticeable with leathery, patchy, raised and  hardened skin Uncontrolled Diabetes, Nerve damages, certain insect bites, too much friction due to tight cloths or foot wear may be predisposing factors for Neuro Drmatitis. Neuro Dermatitis is not wide spread and can be found in wrist area, back of the neck, fore arm and groin area.

  1. Dishidrotic Dermatitis

It is commonly referred as hand Eczema. As the name indicates it is mostly found on hand and fingers. Typically characterised by small, tiny, bubble like reddened blisters. This kind of Eczema is extremely itchy This Dishidrotic dermatitis is due to gene factor and further aggravated by exposure to excess moisture and certain chemicals in detergents, dish washing liquids etc. Mostly effects palm, hand, fingers and feet.

  1. Nummular Dermatitis

Nummular Eczema is characterised by round or oval patches of skin which are typically itchy and oozes fluid. External injury or damage of skin or triggering of pre-existing other Eczema conditions may turn as Nummular Eczema Mostly found on hands and legs.

Ayurveda approach to Eczema

 Perhaps Ayurveda may the only system of medicine that can offer reliable and permanent solution to stubborn Eczema. The presently available and wide practiced modern system of medicine works on the symptoms of the medicine and targets treatment through medication to pacify the external symptoms or secondary infections. So results so temporary apart from symptom relief we cants expect more. Whereas Ayurveda works on the root cause of Eczema so can offer permanent and long lasting results.

Understanding root cause of Eczema

Ayurveda refers Eczema as Vichachika . Vichachika a skin condition happens due to imbalance of tri- doshas namely Vata-Pitta and Kapha. Violated or imbalanced Vata makes skin dry and creates itchiness. Whereas excess Kapha makes skin ooze out fluids Another predisposing factor for this condition is Impurity of Raktha – blood and Rasa-Plasma With this deep understanding on the root cause of the Eczema treatment with Ayurvedic medication can offer permanent and reliable solution to Eczema that too in the shortest time with at most convenience.

We at Ayushvedham developed most efficient and effective medication for Eczema as per the texts and principles of Ayurvedham. Our approach towards Eczema is simple yet effective comprising of two external application lehyam means creams and one nutrient supplement for internal take.

Our approach toward Eczema goes like this


Ayurvedic gel D GONE means simply Dermatitis gone ! Derma problems gone !! One and only mono herbal formulation for Eczema and Eczema related other skin conditions. Works at the root cause of the problem Simple external application yet very effective Works at the protein level to repair Non chemical- Non steroidal approach Prevents further recurrence in future Usage at your convenience and privacy

Offering : 25 gm in a jar

Usage advise : apply D- Gone gel over affected area two time in a day with gentle pressure.

Ingredient : active ingredient is extract of Cestrum sp in an inert gel base.


A speciality ayurvedic skin hydrating, moisturizing and rebuild cream

  • Hydrates
  • Moisturize
  • Repair
  • Rebuild

Skin at the affected area.

As D-Gone heals Eczema now it is turn for Hydrater cream to bring back skin to normalcy with at most gentleness. Hydrater is made as per principles of Ayurveda with best sourced ayurvedic ingredients. The other speciality of Hydrater is all ingredients are processed in traditional way so as they deliver the best results.

Offering : in a 100gm container

Usage : apply gently over the affected are as well as nearby skin twice a day .


Each 10 gms cream is made out of

  • GHRITA KUMARIKA ( ‎Aloe Barbadensis) – 1.0 gm
  • NIMBA (Azadirachta indica)                           – 0.5 gm
  • TULASI (Ocimum sanctum)                      – 0.1 gm
  • NARIKELA TAILA – [Cocus nucifera]             -0.2 gm


For better results we advise to use speciality non chemical ayurvedic Soap SHINE & FAIR and ayurvedic shampoo CLEAN & SHINE. We recommend to intake daily one BIO-D  soft gel capsule. BIO-D is a food supplement made with natural food grade ingredients helps body to heal within by virtue of its nutrient supplementation .

Mark ups need to be made

Pricing D gone gel 25 gm jar Rs 550/-

Hydrater 100 gm jar Rs 650/-

Shampoo, soap and BIO-D as per present price list

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